CNN Money recently posted an article discussing an amazing trend of American’s who were planning to continue working into their 80’s. What could possibly convince someone to continue the grind of the 9 – 5 well into their 90th decade of life?
The harsh truth is that owing to the current economic climate many people would not be able to afford retirement in their 60’s. 30% of Americans say they are planning to continue working for as long as possible, even into their 80’s.
If the thought of a nation of octogenarian’s commuting to and from jobs to grease the wheels of the economy has you feeling depressed, you are not alone. Here at we like to encourage retirement as early as possible.

But of course one would need the necessary retirement funding. Well, we have just the solution for your retirement portfolio:
Choose from any of the below investments. You would be absolutely amazed at the potential returns.
USA Powerball – $60,000,000.00
Italian SuperEnaLotto – €34,900,000.00
USA Mega Millions – $39,000,000.00
UK National Lottery – £6,300,000.00
There is no need to wait decades for your funds to mature either – you can see astronomical growth overnight!
Retire With More, Not Less
It’s not only the scary thought of having to delay your ‘Golden Years’ by many years, what about the quality of life when retired? Nearly 34% of middle-class Americans expect their retirement income to be 50% or less of their current annual income.

It’s a sad truth that for many people the most pressing financial concern is paying monthly bills and living for the moment. Well thinks differently! We would like everyone to make retirement their number one priority – and the earlier the retirement the better!
Don’t retire with less – retire with more! Imagine never having to work again with a nest egg bigger than you ever dreamed possible?
Secure your finances for an early retirement with only 6 or 7 lucky numbers. Start your winner’s portfolio today!