Break out the lederhosen, suspenders, and mountaineer’s cap (complete with feather). If you are female (or simply adventurous) it’s time to get into your beer maid outfit. Yes, that’s right, Oktoberfest is soon upon us! is celebrating the build up to Oktoberfest with a fantastic competition. Be sure you are part of the festivities! will be giving away a year’s supply of beer to one lucky player. We are sure that this festive prize will get you into the swing of things as Oktoberfest kicks off in late September!
Join in the fun with Oktoberfest and year’s supply of beer…
Every year over 6 million people flood into Munich, Germany, to attend the famous Oktoberfest! If beer is your thing then this is the place to be as it is officially the world’s biggest beer festival. Here are some figures showing just exactly how much food and drink is consumed at Oktoberfest:
• Beer – Over 7 million litres
• Wine – Over 89 thousand litres
• Water and cooldrink – Over 1 million litres
• Pork sausages – 119,302 pairs
• Pork knuckles – 69,293 units
• Oxen – 119 units won’t be able to provide you with 7 million litres of beer (or any pork knuckles for that matter) but we will be giving away a year’s supply of beer valued at a maximum value of €2,000.00! You will then be able to stretch the traditional 16 day celebration out to a full 365 days!
„O‘ zapft ist!“
Oktoberfest organisers are very specific about the beer that is sold at the festival. Only the very finest Märzen will do!
Only beer conforming to the high ‘German Beer Purity Laws’ (Reinheitsgebot) with a minimum of 6% alcohol may be served at Oktoberfest. In addition, the beer must be brewed within the city of Munich.
Top quality German brew coming soon… is a lot less strict and will let you choose whatever beer you prefer. If you don’t drink beer you can choose any other beverage you may be partial to including whisky, wine, cool drink or even bottled water for the more health conscious.
For the next few weeks crank up the volume on the German ‘oompah’ music, bring out the oversized beer steins and get your favourite beer glass ready – you could be taking home a year’s supply of beer!